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Command Query Responsibility Separation  Separating the writes from the reads What? CQRS really makes sense if your are doing event sourcing and event driven design. I will not go deep into that because it would lead us to far and admittedly I don’t have the expert knowledge yet in this domain.* So, separating writes from […]


Regex – Regular Expression

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A regular expression or regex is a pattern defined by a group of characters to match a certain string. It can help you find patterns in a text or do replacements for specific character sequences. Here a short of overview of some common regex syntax   Examples Here are some examples of regular expressions. You […]



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CIDR stands for Classless InterDomain Routing. But to explain what it is, we require some more context. IP Addresses demystified An IP address e.g. consist of a network part and a host part. The network part is the same for the whole network. The IP address you see here is actually a decimal representation of four […]