
API Conference and Serverless Architecture Conference Berlin

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I’m currently in Berlin to share my passion for software development in general and serverless applications. Exciting!!   On API Conference I am speaking about “API first development with OpenAPI”. On Serverless Conference I’m talking about “Monitoring serverless application”. You can find the content of these sessions via: API first development with OpenAPI Monitoring serverless […]


Wiremock on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

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You need a Wiremock and you need it fast! You have no time to setup a server to run it on! Behold.. Wiremock on Elastic Beanstalk      Download the wiremock standalone jar: and put it in a separate folder Run it locally on port 5000: java -jar wiremock-standalone-2.25.0.jar –port 5000 Why 5000? It’s […]