Change the time of your Linux? (aws)

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So you have a server in the States but your living in France. Guess what.. The server time is different from your local time. Fix To find the available timezones cd into : cd /usr/share/zoneinfo ls Allright! I see Europe and when I cd into Europe I find Paris. So remember “Europe/Paris”.   Now go […]


Quiz app

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While I was studying for my java SE 8 Programmer II exam, it popped into my mind: “Let me make a small app to practice with some questions” And so I did! If you have idea’s for features to add, throw them in the comments! Check out the app: here   Explain! Randomly you will […]


Spring I/O retrospect

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In General It was a great experience going to Barcelona for the Spring IO conference. I really tried to get the most out of it. I feel like that worked out cause I learned a lot. Google Cloud What I will remember best is the workshop on Google Cloud by Ray Tsang. – workshop: […]